- To have an enlighten society of people who are fully aware of their responsibilities in building up an ideal environment worth living.
- To conserve and develop the endowments of nature for the evolution of a more cultured and civilized human society.
- To reduce poverty, injustice and backwardness.
- To promote egalitarianism, equity and cultural and democratic values, unity in diversity and patriotism.
- To achieve advancement in all fields of activities.
- To achieve self-reliance through sustainable development.
- to undertake a thorough study and research on existing natural resources and their developmental potential with the help of the knowledge of modern science and technology.
- to strike a balance between human population and available resources for a healthy life, society and the environment.
- to recognize the roles and importance of indigenous knowledge and resource management systems, and of local institutions and patterns of social organization.
- to facilitate community participation in the design, implementation and evolution of projects.
- to help people in having full access to the knowledge of modern science and technology in order to promote their developmental efforts.
- to train and educate people in the task of sustainable regeneration, utilization and conservation of resources through judicious management.
- to eliminate poverty through the introduction of income generating schemes on the basis of the locally available resources through judicious planning.
- to create new employment opportunities for the unemployed youth by evolving new developmental programmes and projects.
- to help farmers in the agriculture sector in the task of prevention of soil-erosion, landslides and general degradation of the environment as a whole by way of providing necessary inputs.
- to promote agro-forestry, production forestry, preservation forestry and aesthetic forestry in the region for multipurpose benefits.
- to devise ways and means to protect and develop indigenous flora, fauna, ecosystems and biodiversity as well as scenic spots all over the region.
- to organize seminars, workshops, conference, discussions and debates on important issues and problems related to the environment and ecology of the region and people’s wellbeing.
- to organize training and skill improvement camps for capability building for youths, workers and organization engaged in development activities.
- to find out marketing avenues both at national and international level for the sale of local products and produces. To establish link with institutions, organizations, department and experts for enhancement of the cause for which FOSEP stands and seek and exchange co-operation with them.
- to make an empirical study of the problems and issues faced by the people in different fields of human activities and formulate suitable policy initiative to solve the same by getting them incorporated in the government’s policy framework.
- to set up a library of books, journals, magazines, reprint copies, films, videocassettes, etc. related to different disciplines underlying the environment-development relationship.
- to make the organization financially strong by initiating income generating schemes for itself as by extensive membership drive and acceptance of donations from generous donors.
- to write and publish articles, books, journals and bulletins on different aspects of environment and development for public education and collect and disseminate useful information to the people at regular intervals of time.